Isaac Delusion is the French duo who are curiously neither named Isaac. Friends since high school, Jules Paco and Loic Fleury make music that seems to be influenced by both Icelandic pop and American folk, with a shared tradition of rolling travels.
“Midnight Sun” walks with a bounce in its step, supplied by the pulsing energy of a city night come to life meeting a rising morning-after calm, with every aspect of your surroundings in mind. An infectious, looping melody backs vocals that have a bit of a Billy Corgan airiness to its subtle quack. The entire stroll of a song has a montage-like quality of magical realism that induces a literal image of the sun appearing in the dead of night, the sort of evening when everything you encounter seems to be alive.
Their debut EP of the same name is out now on Cracki Records, and be sure to check out the video for the track below.